
What You’ll Find at Brentwood


While we wait for measures to be in place to make gathering face-to-face for worship safe for all of our participants, we will worship live on Sunday mornings at 10am Pacific time on Zoom.  Click here to join us on any Sunday morning.  You are most welcome to join us from wherever you may be in our e-neighbourhood.

Our parking lot is now paved and painted, opening up all sorts of exciting possibilities.


People come together in this space of grace to celebrate, consider, connect, and contribute.

We are a community of Christians that welcomes those who share a passion for nourishing each other to flourish in the grace of Jesus Christ.

We celebrate through worship, consider through learning, connect through fellowship, and contribute through service.

We are a diverse group, representative in many ways of the rapidly-growing neighbourhood of North Burnaby.

Everyone is welcome to stay for a light lunch every Sunday.

We promise to provide a rich experience in the Christian faith that will support you in being the blessing that God has called you to be in the world.

That experience comes through our practice of the disciplines that have sustained and stimulated Christian communities from New Testament times:

•    Worship – encounters with God in music, prayers, readings, and reflections
•    Learning – education that explores living abundantly in the grace of Jesus Christ
•    Fellowship – belonging that energizes delightful living through the Holy Spirit
•    Service – taking all of these gifts from God into the world in order to be a blessing

Our various gatherings at the church inspire and equip us to carry God’s kindness and generosity out into a world that is longing for the kind of reform and resilience that Jesus Christ preached and practiced.

Explore this site to find out more about us.  Then join us on Sunday morning or Wednesday evening for worship, or on a Friday night when we do Bible study, or at one of our events, to see how we deliver on our promise to nourish you to flourish in the grace of Jesus Christ.

Sermon Archives

Sermons are serious attempts to uncover the pervasive presence and positive power of God in the world.  Christians trust in and are loyal to a God who saved the world in Jesus Christ and is finishing off that redemption through the work of the Holy Spirit.  We pray that these sermons will provoke in you a faithful response to the unconditional love of God to which they intend to witness.  Please don’t hesitate to contact Dr. Fraser with any comments or questions.


10AM Sunday

Online Worship on Zoom

Click on the link to your left

At Your Convenience

Jazz Evensong Online

Click here for the Facebook link. 


An Invitation to Come and See

Transit Directions to Brentwood     


Support Our Missioning

We are grateful for the support that participants in the work and witness of Brentwood can offer, especially during this pandemic shutdown.  This button takes you to our Canada Helps page.  They will send you a tax receipt immediately.  Thanks again for your generosity.

Praying with Brentwood

We gather online on Zoom every Sat morning at 10am to refocus on our reliance on God, share our celebrations and concerns in prayerful conversation, and articulate some more formal prayers to conclude.  It’s about a 45-minutes time of mutual support and encouragement.  Everyone is welcome.  Click here to join us. (Meeting Link)

Brentwood Jazz All Stars

Socks for Souls Count

2015         1500 pairs
2016         3478 pairs
2017         5090 pairs
2018         5415 pairs
2019         4209 pairs
2020           540 pairs

Socks for Souls is a service project Brentwood runs all year round to collect or buy socks for the people served by First United Church in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside.


Click on the picture to read a great feature in the Vancouver Province and the Vancouver Sun on Will Clarke, who coordinates our Socks for Souls program.


How Can the Sanctuary Serve You?

A space of grace for the community

“We want you to use our space of grace for your performances, workshops, consultations, and events.  Take a look at the kinds of things that are happening here, what various people are saying about the space, imagine what you might do in this space, and contact us to find out more about our very reasonable rates and our supportive hospitality.”


Brian’s Book Notes

Click on the picture to find short reviews of conversations that our minister is having with a wide range of authors.  This will give you a sense of the influences that are continually reforming Brian’s understand of the Christian faith.

Our Minister’s Other Work

Brian Fraser ministers with Brentwood half-time.  His other vocation is Jazzthink, a consulting and coaching service that works with nonprofits and churches to provoke the energy of their VIBE, often using the wit, wisdom, and workings of jazz.  To find out more about this, click on the logo.