
Address and Phone

Brentwood Presbyterian Church


For information on the work and witness of Brentwood, please contact our minister, Brian Fraser, at his home office at .



(Director of Music)


Map and Route Planner

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10 thoughts on “Contact

  1. Am wondering if tickets for your Concert Series are still available and if so can I just mail you a cheque?

    Thank you


    • Sorry to the long delay in replying. Subscriptions are still available. Just send a cheque for $100 to the church address made out to Brentwood Presbyterian Church.

      Many thanks,


  2. Does thus church have a special Christmas eve or Christmas day service? There isn’t any information on this website

  3. Anastasiya Varbanova

    I am interested in renting your facility for an acoustic concert presenting Bulgarian performers that are touring in Canada.
    Concert is set to be held in your area for 7 or 8 of April and will serve the interests of the Bulgarian community.
    Please get back to me regarding availability and rental price.

  4. Hello, I’m a film student currently enrolled in the Film and Broadcast Industry Connect program based out of Burnaby North Secondary. I am currently producing a short film, and I’m interested in renting your church for filming. Our shoot dates are Saturday February the 10th and Monday February the 12th, and the two scenes would take one of those two dates to film. Both scenes require minimal actors and extras, and would be filmed at the entrance to your church, and the nave / inside of the church. Thank you for your consideration.


    Mandy Kwan

  5. Elliot Freedman

    The Elliot Freedman Group

    It’d be privilege to bring our richly-harmonic music to Brentwood.
    Here’s a recent performance video:

    Based in Victoria (but with a Vancouver drummer and strong following), we’ve recently been at at Tangent Jazz Cafe (Commerical Drive) and various Victoria locations.

    Best wishes,
    Elliot Freedman, 7786796343

  6. Hi I am wondering if you have Sunday School for kids, I have a 10 yr old that I would like him to learn.

    Thank you kindly


    Dear Servants of God !

    Much Christian greetings in Jesus Holy name!

    Our hearts is spiritually touched with your encouragement readings from your website and kindly please share more with us and help us with your ministry’s printable teaching materials for they will help us in our fellowship to grow spiritually and win more souls to come nearer to our Saving Lord Jesus Christ.

    We humbly pray and request you to help us to know more about God and His will.

    Please my dear servants share the word of God with us and we kindly hope that God bless us sharing more in His Kingdom.

    We are happy to read from you in Jesus name.


    Yours in His service,

    Sister Martha & Brother Jared.

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