
The Session that Governs Brentwood

The Session is responsible for governing the work and witness of a Presbyterian congregation.

(l-r) Emmanuel Boadu, Dorothy Sung, Pam Wong, Winston Reckord, Rev. Brian Fraser

Currently at Brentwood, it is made up of Emmanuel Boadu, Dorothy Sung, Pam Wong (clerk), and Winston Reckord. It is moderated (chaired and facilitated) by the minister, Brian Fraser. We normally meet on the second Sunday of every month to consider how Brentwood can carry out its mission and ministries more faithfully, effectively, and wisely.

Our vision, as a session, is a church blessed with gifts to do the work of Jesus Christ with joy and contentment. Our mission, as a session, is to serve together to make wise decisions that furthers the work of Jesus Christ at Brentwood Presbyterian. We strive to increase the well-being of the congregation in order to exercise its mission of blessing in the world, relying always on the inspiration and guidance of the Living Word of God in Jesus Christ.

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