
Memorize & Ponder for Sunday Jun 14- Jun 21, 2015

In It Together

Galatians 6:2 (Full Reading – Galatians 6: 1-6) (NRSV)

Bear one another’s burdens,
and in this way you will fulfil the law of Christ

Being the Church in Christ: Wisdom from Pastor Paul
(The Brentwood Sermon Series for 2015)

Throughout 2015, the Christian community at Brentwood Presbyterian Church will be considering how to be the church in Jesus Christ, guided by the wisdom of Pastor Paul. We invite you to listen for what the Spirit is saying in the text, then question how those insights might change the ways you see things and act in the world. Share your thoughts during the week on the meaning the Spirit creates for you in this text by posting a comment on our website – brentwoodpc.ca.

A Provocative Pondering

Let us hold fast to the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who has promised is faithful.  And let us provoke one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together … (Hebrews 10:23-25a)

It’s far too easy to find yourself alone in this busy, bustling metropolis called Greater Vancouver.

Surrounded by people, but feeling alone.

Connecting with people in a meaningful, nourishing way is hard, especially given the climate of fear and suspicion that has developed over the past several years. We are in protect mode, defense mode, garrison mode.

But that is no way to be human, at least in the way God imagines human potential. You’ve got to be connected – to God, to others, and to your deepest, most beloved self.

That’s what Paul is talking about at the end of this exploration of Christian freedom that we’ve been considering in Galatians over these past few weeks. Christian freedom leads to connection with God, with others, and with ourselves.

That’s a pretty powerful community, when you think seriously about it. We’re connected in a commonwealth of care with the Creator of all that is, with all those creatures that are part of that creation, and with the ‘image of God’ within ourselves.

Sustaining and enhancing that kind of community is the heart of the ‘law of Christ.’ We’ve been redeemed and enabled to live this kind of life and invited to step into it with gratitude and empathy.

Are we going to accept that invitation to be in it together?

[blockquote type="blockquote_line" align="left"]Join us in our study groups and worship services to ponder together what the Spirit is teaching us through this text.[/blockquote]

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