
Memorize & Ponder for Sunday Dec 7, 2014

Found By Peace

Isaiah 26:3-4  (NRSV)

Those of steadfast mind you keep in peace –
in peace because they trust in you.
Trust in the Lord forever,
for in the Lord God you have an everlasting rock.

Throughout 2014, the Christian community at Brentwood Presbyterian Church is getting to know Jesus, the Christ, in a refreshing and transformative way.  We invite you to listen for what the Spirit is saying in the text, then question how those insights might change the ways you see things and act in the world.  Share your thoughts during the week on the meaning the Spirit creates for you in this text by posting a comment on our website – brentwoodpc.ca.

A Provocative Pondering

Let us hold fast to the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who has promised is faithful.  And let us provoke one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together … (Hebrews 10:23-25a)

The peace we are found by in the coming of Jesus Christ is a uniquely powerful peace. It calms our inner anxieties and fears. It opens up the possibility of reconciliation within families and among friends. It calls on parties in conflict to take a broader perspective and consider the impact of their aggression on humanity and the creation as a whole.

Peace with this kind of power comes from trust in God. That trust, strange as it may sound, arises from God’s trust in us. Yes, God’s trust in us.

That’s the strange logic of the Christian faith. We are created by God for companionship and service. We rebel against that calling, but God does not reject us in our rebellion. God continues to trust the creature he made to care for the earth and all that is in it. God continues to seek and find us in the midst of our rebellion. When we become aware of that pursuit and open ourselves, with God’s guidance, to God’s presence, we regain and rediscover our true nature, written deep within our DNA.

Ponder the coming of this kind of peace this week and open your soul to the Spirit finding it deep within you.

[blockquote type="blockquote_line" align="left"]And a reminder to invite your friends and neighbours to contribute socks to our community service project – Socks for Souls.[/blockquote]

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